Register as a driver or volunteer by March 1st to be entered in a prize drawing for two $50 VISA Gift Cards!

Click here to Register (You can then select either to register a driver, volunteer, or sponsorship)

Howdy Partners! The 2025 Roadeo is coming your way on Saturday, April 5!

View a video from our former champions discussing the Roadeo.

It's time for Maryland's best drivers to get ready for the toughest driver skills challenge in the country. Our 2025 Roadeo returns to MTA's Dorsey MARC Station located at Dorsey Station Dr in Elkridge, MD 21076; just off Route 100. The competition will begin at 9 AM, end around Noon, and will be followed by a banquet lunch at the Olive Grove restaurant located at 705 N Hammonds Ferry RdLinthicum Heights, MD 21090. We will honor our competitors and give our winners a rousing send-off to the CTAA National Roadeo.

Drivers will compete in three separate areas: a driving skills challenge in the form of an obstacle course containing 10 stations, a wheelchair securement test, and a pre-trip inspection. The top three scorers will be given scholarships to attend and compete against the best in the country at the CTAA Roadeo in San Diego, California on May 31 - June 1.

Registration Fees

Registration is $150 for the first driver and $125 for each additional driver. Registration for each driver covers all the day's activities, including a light breakfast on the Roadeo site and the awards banquet lunch. Each driver and volunteer will receive one ticket to attend the awards banquet. A limited number of additional banquet tickets may be purchased during registration for an additional $20 each.

Schedule - April 5th

7:30 AM Continental Breakfast for Judges & Drivers at Dorsey MARC Station
8:00 AM Drivers check-in with group leaders at Dorsey MARC Station
8:30 AM Judges report to assignment locations for drivers' walkthrough at Dorsey MARC Station
8:30 AM  Drivers - Course walkthrough at Dorsey MARC Station
9:00 AM Driving competition begins after walkthrough at Dorsey MARC Station
12:00 PM Driving competition ends at Dorsey MARC Station, tear-down of course by volunteers.
1 PM - 2 PM Roadeo Reception at Restaurant (Olive Grove Restaurant)
2 PM - 3:30 PM Roadeo Banquet, Games, and Award Ceremony at Restaurant (Olive Grove Restaurant)


Roadeo Guides

All competitors and volunteers are encouraged to review the Roadeo Participant Guide and score sheets prior to the event, as some changes have been made in the update.

2025 Participant Guide.pdf

2025 Roadeo Score Sheets.pdf

You can view a video describing the Roadeo course here : 

Driver Qualifications: Only drivers meeting the following criteria are eligible to compete in the Roadeo
A. Is employed as a driver (part or full-time) engaged in Demand-Response or Fixed-Route service
B. Has not had a suspension from duties or any disciplinary action since April 2024.
C. Has supervisors’ approval.

Please note that the above qualifications are those to compete in the TAM Roadeo, not the CTAA National Roadeo. The national Roadeo has additional qualifications, including:

  1. Contestants duties must be at least 50% driving (no supervisors)
  2. Contestants must have been employed as a driver for one year prior to the competition.

We will only send those drivers to the CTAA National Roadeo who meet the qualifications for both events.

The support of our sponsors makes the Roadeo possible every year! The Roadeo attracts over 100 attendees each year from across Maryland. All sponsors will be recognized throughout the event. See below for sponsorship opportunities - you can reserve your sponsorship at

Roadeo Bag Sponsor - $3,500

  • Company logo on Roadeo insulated bags (always a big hit!)
  • Logo featured in Roadeo Program, large tent banner, and all email and website communications
  • Half-page Roadeo program ad
  • Contact list of attendees

Awards Luncheon Sponsor - $3,000  -SOLD

  • Full-page Roadeo program ad
  • Signage displayed prominently at event and during luncheon
  • Logo featured in Roadeo Program, large tent banner, and all email and website communications
  • Opportunity to participate in presentation of awards to winning drivers
  • Opportunity for a 5 minute introduction during the Roadeo banquet to all members
  • Recognized in a dedicated 'Thank you to our Sponsor' Social Media Post
  • Contact list of attendees

Wheelchair Securement Competition Sponsor - $1,750 - SOLD

  • Half Page ad in Roadeo program
  • Logo featured in Roadeo Program, large tent banner, and all email and website communications
  • Signage prominently displayed at Roadeo station
  • Company logo on trophy presented to top securement scorer
  • Contact list of Attendees

Roadeo Reception & Games Sponsor - $1,500

Sponsor our reception, taking place right before the Roadeo as well as our prize contest during banquet

  • Signage featured prominently at the Roadeo Reception and after banquet Game Show
  • Logo featured in Roadeo Program, large tent banner, and all email and website communication
  • Contact List of Attendees
Roadeo Starting Line Sponsor - $1,500
  • Logo featured in Roadeo Program, large tent banner, and all email and website communications
  • Signage displayed prominently at the starting line of the Roadeo course
  • Company logo on trophy presented to the fastest competitor
  • Contact List of Attendees

Trophy Sponsor - $1,500 - SOLD

  • Company logo on 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place Roadeo trophies & plaques
  • Logo featured in Roadeo Program, large tent banner, and all email and website communications
  • Contact list of attendees

Pre-trip Inspection Competition Sponsor - $1,500

  • Logo featured in Roadeo Program, large tent banner, and all email and website communications
  • Signage displayed prominently at pre-trip inspection station
  • Company logo on trophy presented to the rookie of the year competitor
  • Contact list of Attendees

Breakfast Sponsor - Roadeo Course - $1,000 - SOLD

  • Logo featured in Roadeo Program, large tent banner, and all email and website communications
  • Signage featured prominently on the Roadeo breakfast tent 
  • Contact list of attendees

Transit Agency Sponsor - $150

  • Interested in assisting with supporting the Roadeo? All Transit Agency sponsors will be recognized in the Roadeo program and during the Awards Luncheon

The Roadeo cannot happen without the support of volunteers. We need volunteers to judge the on course stations, wheelchair securement tests, and pre-trip inspections. We need volunteers to run scores back to the scorers. We need volunteers to help us set up and tear down the course. In short, we need you! We are looking for volunteers in the following areas:

1. Emcee
2. Pre-trip Inspection
3. Wheelchair Loading & Securement
4. Left Hand Turn
5. Right Hand Turn
6. Serpentine
7. Right Hand Reverse
8. Right Tire Clearance
9. Passenger Stop
10. Forward Offset Street
11. Left Hand Reverse
12. Diminishing Clearance
13. Judgment Stop
14. On Board – Smoothness of Operation
15. Score Runner
16. Starter
17. Command Bus
18. Course Set-up & Tear-down Crew
19. Registration Team

There will be 1 Captain for each maneuver/position and at least 2 total volunteers for each maneuver depending on the maneuver/position.

All volunteers will receive a ticket to attend the awards banquet in the afternoon. To register as a volunteer, visit our registration page by clicking the 'Register Here' link at the top of the page.